When you’ve got a bunch of listings on a marketplace eg. Walmart or eBay, you might have added the same image in multiple listings. This can be a logo, or some informational image, or perhaps just a promotional image.
With Img.vision, you can effortlessly replace an image used in all listings.
How to replace images video
Steps to replacing same image in multiple listings
- Select the image
- Open the context menu and choose Replace
- Browse on your device to the file you want to upload
- Press the replace button — That’s it! Your image has been replaced
Do I need to rename my images?
You don’t need to rename your images before uploading, Img.vision will rename the image automatically if needed.
When is the new image online?
New visitors to the image will automatically see the new image, no further action is required. Visitors that already viewed the already image once, may need to refresh if their browser caches content heavily. We do everything on our server side to inform browsers they should redownload the image.