We’ve released a bunch of updates this week. Here’s an overview.
Thumbnails are much sharper
This change applies to your grid layout. We’ve increased the size of the thumbnails a bit and we no longer attempt to fill the entire thumbnail box. By trying to fill the entire thumbnail box we had to enlarge images if they weren’t a perfect square. Enlarging images usually brings along a blurry effect. That’s now gone.
Select folders and images at the same time
We’ve removed a limitation we had when we launched Img.vision V2:
You can select folders and images at the same time and:
- Add them to a gallery
- Move them
- Delete them
This will make organizing your images easier.
Drag to select images & folders
You can now easily select multiple images and folders at the same time by click and dragging a selection box over the images.
One limitation is that you can’t select while scrolling. For the moment we haven’t found a way to make that work. But you can drag & select, scroll down, and drag & select again: all images of both independent selections will be selected.
Drag to eBay item description (or other editors)
You can now drag and drop the preview image directly into eBay listings. It’s a small change on our side, but makes things so much easier!
GDPR & CCPA cookie policy customization
We now fully adhere to GDPR and CCPA cookie laws by allowing visitors to reject, accept, or partially accept our cookies.
Warning: if you don’t accept Basic interactions & functionalities, the contact bubble won’t be shown in your dashboard and you won’t be updated of new releases.