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We now host gallery pages you can link to
We’ve offered non-active code for embedding a small gallery on other websites, such as eBay or other auction sites for a long time.
Today we add to that: unbranded hosted galleries:
- You can add hundreds of images into your gallery
- You can share the gallery link
- Your gallery shows tiles to browse through and a carousel if you zoom in on an image
- The gallery is totally unbranded – no logo
Example hosted gallery at
Resize wizard now has loads of features
We redesigned the frequently used image resizer into a small wizard, packed with easy and advanced features.
You can now:
- Choose custom destination dimensions
- Resize each image into multiple new dimensions in one go
- Choose the Fit, Cover, or Fill resizing method
- Resize presets for eBay have been added
- If needed, you can choose how the newly generated new images are named (vs automatic naming)
- Remove the original image after resize
- And you can still place resized images into a different folder
Uploading is now easier
The upload widget is now no longer a small rectangle at the right hand side of the screen, but a fully fledged dialog in the center of the screen.
- There’s more space to display everything
- Thumbnails are now shown & intelligently loaded (we take care not to overload your computer)
- You can configure to automatically close the dialog upon completion, or not wait at all and minimize it straight away after pressing the upload button
You can now upload 100s of images at once without overloading your browser
Under the hood, we’ve enhanced the performance of the upload widget so that you can upload eg. 500 images in one go without your browser crashing – useful when uploading that large image set.
Other fixes
- Issues with the replace image functionality have been fixed
- Sharing videos on social media is now supported
- Fix deployed when taking a picture with an iOS device eg. iPhone